Monday, January 23, 2012


After going back and forth with our karma and our dysfunctional functioning; she saw a photo on my desk of a red barn, "Oh, I like that", she said. Then - "You know what I really like, windmills." Me- "I L-O-V-E windmills too." She - "That is weird."
Why is it hard to believe that two people thrown together, having a hard time communicating are actually more alike than different? Now, this is something to be present with even if it only lasts a moment.

small stone #23

Sitting with this beautiful koan from Elizabeth Mattis-Namgyel,..."what would happen if we habituated ourselves to staying open?" It isn't something I read and say, "Oh, what a lovely idea." No, I see it as my lifeline to freeing myself and experiencing true joy, not the teeter-totter of the emotions. I believe it wasn't until just now that I allowed myself that openness all day.