Thursday, January 12, 2012

small stone #13

holding #8 steel blue knitting needles, 40 garter stitches, nothing fancy. I'm making a scarf, I'm always making a scarf and it doesn't seem to really matter that I don't have a finished product. That's not why I knit. Right now, it's mostly about bringing my mind into the present moment, staying aware of my breath...breathing in bring right needle under loop on left needle, loop yarn around, over, feel the drag of the wool yarn across my index finger, pull the needle through and voila! another stitch is born...breathing out start again. Keep the yarn just so...not too taught, not too loose...the middle way...keeping the hands busy, the mind occupied, the shoulders down and relaxed, the head tipped slightly down but not strained. I think I love to knit.


  1. This is the reason I spin -- then I knit and weave to have some use for what i spin -- it's a meditation -- all of it. I love the artwork on your other blog -- I "followed" you there as well.

    1. Thanks so much Granny Kate! Yes, it definitely is a meditation! So glad to have it as a friend!
